A privately-led Memorial Task Force will begin meeting in the near future, spearheaded by Pulse Nightclub owner, Barbara Poma.
The City of Orlando had originally planned to purchase the property to create their own memorial, but Poma decided against selling. More on that, HERE.
Poma has been touring other memorials across the country since the shootings occurred last year, accompanied by locally-grown, but internationally-renowned public artist, JEFRE (Facebook), getting inspiration for one she is hoping to install on her property in Sodo. See below photo via JEFRE’s Instagram page, @jefre_miami.
The memorial will be designed with input gathered by Poma and her advisory council of JEFRE, Mayra Alvear, mother of Amanda Alvear, and Pam Shwartz, of Orange County Regional History Center, as well as a larger memorial task force comprised of victims’ families, survivors, and involved community members.
Scroll down to see a copy of a letter explaining the upcoming process, via the onePULSE Foundation (Website).
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