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Florida Film Festival releases 2022 program lineup


NOTE: Bungalower Buddy members can present their keychains at the box office to unlock a special discount on their festival tickets this year.

The Florida Film Festival has just announced the program lineup for its 31st Annual Festival, running April 8-17, 2022, which will be hosted in Maitland and Winter Park, Florida. This year, the Festival will screen 167 films representing 37 countries and of the films selected, 145 have premiere status, including 24 world premieres, with a full lineup listed below. A complete list of film descriptions, trailers, stills, and the full festival schedule are available HERE.

 “This year’s lineup includes 84 women and 8 non-binary filmmakers–the  most in our 31-year history and 55% of our total programming–and their voices will be  represented throughout every part of the festival. In addition, there are numerous films that speak to  environmental concerns about preservation, conservation, sustainability, and the wonders of our  natural world. Some highlights of the lineup include the Sundance Film Festival award-winners 892, The  Territory, “Warsha,” “The Headhunter’s Daughter,” and “Stranger Than Rotterdam with Sara Driver,” the  exclusive first look at Pre Fab! on opening night, and world premieres of important new doc features  Path of the Panther, Jack Has a Plan, and Surviving Pulse.” 


The 19 features and 59 short films in the American Independent Competition will be eligible for up to three awards each: a Grand Jury Award for best film in that category, a Special Jury Award given at the jury’s discretion for exceptional achievements, and an Audience Award determined by audience votes for Narrative Feature, Documentary Feature, and Best Short Film. International films are also eligible for  Audience Awards for Best International Feature and Best International Short, and an Audience Award will be given for the Best Midnight Short as well. 


Opening Night Party – 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 8 – Celebrate the opening night of the 2022 Florida Film Festival with an exclusive first look at a never-before-seen documentary. Then, head over to the Winter Park Events Center’s Tiedtke  Amphitheater and Belvedere for a sensational Opening Night Party that kicks off ten days of non-stop, fun-filled celebration. Sample food and cocktails from your favorite local spots,  including our very own Enzian Theater and Eden Bar. Eat, drink, be merry, and discuss all the films you cannot wait to see at the festival ahead.  

Festival Block Party  – 3-5 p.m. Saturday, April 9 – Look for the Winter Park Village fountain, located across from the Regal Cinema, for a block party celebration of the Florida Film Festival. Festival ticket and pass holders will receive free drinks and appetizers from select Winter Park Village restaurants. Space is limited, so plan to arrive early.

Gospel Brunch  11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday, April 10 – Enjoy a pre-movie brunch with friends, and compare notes on all things Florida Film Festival,  before heading over to Regal for the gospel music film Stay Prayed Up. This delicious brunch prepared by our own chef is sure to leave a good taste in your mouth. Your first mimosa or  Bloody Mary is on us. Brunch and film tickets are sold separately.  

Awards Bash – 8 p.m. Saturday, April 16 – Have you picked your favorite films of the Festival? At the Florida Film Festival Awards Bash,  you’ll be among the first to find out if they have won prestigious Jury and Audience Awards.  Following the ceremony, mingle with the winners, raise a glass, and uncover a chilling surprise at the Celluloid Circus.  



Pre Fab! – USA, 2022, 91 MIN, Directed by Todd Thompson, Exclusive First Look! The feature-length documentary chronicles how English-born drummer Hanton joined Lennon rounding up their friends in 1950s Liverpool to form The Quarry Men, a group that would evolve in just a few years into the biggest and most influential band in music history – The Beatles. 

Preceded by 

A Cartoon of a Cat Sleeping – USA, 2022, 7 MIN, Directed by Randall Christopher, World  Premiere 


892 – Directed by Abi Damaris Corbin, USA, 2022, 103 MIN, Florida Premiere 

Ali & Ava – Directed by Clio Barnard, UK, 2021, 95 MIN, East Coast Premiere 

Calendar Girls – Directed by Love Martinsen and Maria Loohufvud, Sweden, 2022, 84 MIN

Dual – Directed by Riley Stearns, USA/Finland, 2022, 95 MIN, Rated R, East Coast Premiere

The Duke – Directed by Roger Michell, UK, 2020, 96 MIN, Rated R 

Juniper – Directed by Matthew J. Saville, New Zealand, 2021, 94 MIN, East Coast Premiere

The Justice of Bunny King – Directed by Gaysorn Thavatt, New Zealand, 2021, 101 MIN,  Southeast Premiere 

Marvelous and the Black Hole – Directed by Kate Tsang, USA, 2021, 81 MIN 

Path of the Panther – Directed by Eric Bendick, USA, 2022, 90 MIN, World Premiere

The Phantom of the Open – Directed by Craig Roberts, UK, 2021, 102 MIN 

Resurrection – Directed by Andrew Semans, USA, 2022, 103 MIN, East Coast Premiere

River – Directed by Jennifer Peedom and Joseph Nizeti, Australia, 2021, 75 MIN, Southeast  Premiere 

Tales of Sunshine: “The Biologist” – Directed by Vincent Marcucci, USA, 2022, 18 MIN, World  Premiere 

The Territory – Directed by Alex Pritz, Brazil/Denmark/USA, 2022, 83 MIN, In Portuguese and  Tupi with English subtitles, East Coast Premiere 

Tigre Gente – Directed by Elizabeth Unger, USA, 2021, 93 MIN, In Cantonese, English, Mandarin,  and Spanish with English subtitles 


As of Yet – Directed by Taylor Garron and Chanel James, USA, 2021, 82 MIN, Southeast Premiere

The Civil Dead – Directed by Clay Tatum, USA, 2022, 103 MIN, East Coast Premiere/2nd US  Screening 

Disfluency – Directed by Anna Baumgarten, USA, 2021, 100 MIN, In English and ASL with English  subtitles, East Coast Premiere 

The Falconer – Directed by Adam Sjöberg and Seanne Winslow, USA/Oman, 2021, 100 MIN, In  English and Arabic with English subtitles, Florida Premiere 

Generation Wrecks – Directed by Kevin T. Morales, USA, 2021, 112 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Homebody – Directed by Joseph Sackett, USA, 2021, 75 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Mister Limbo – Directed by Robert G. Putka, USA/Portugal, 2021, 96 MIN, Florida Premiere

Poser – Directed by Noah Dixon and Ori Segev, USA, 2021, 87 MIN, Florida Premiere

Wake Up, Leonard – Directed by Kat Mills Martin, USA, 2022, 72 MIN, Florida Premiere


Anonymous Sister – Directed by Jamie Boyle, USA, 2021, 94 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Being Michelle – Directed by Atin Mehra, USA, 2022, 80 MIN, In English and ASL with English  subtitles, East Coast Premiere 

Broken Wings – Directed by Jonathan Sutak, USA, 2021, 56 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Exposure – Directed by Holly Morris, USA, 2021, 88 MIN, Southeast Premiere 

imperfect – Directed by Brian Malone and Regan Linton, USA, 2021, 87 MIN, East Coast  Premiere 

Jack Has a Plan – Directed by Bradley Berman, USA, 2022, 75 MIN, World Premiere

Love Charlie, The Rise and Fall of Chef Charlie Trotter – Directed by Rebecca Halpern, USA,  2021, 96 MIN, Southeast Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Once Upon a Time in Uganda – Directed by Cathryne Czubek, USA/Uganda, 2021, 94 MIN, In  English and Luganda with English subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

Sirens – Directed by Rita Baghdadi, USA/Lebanon, 2022, 78 MIN, In English and Arabic with  English subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

The Sun Rises in The East – Directed by Tayo Giwa, USA, 2022, 58 MIN, Southeast Premiere


Bacon ‘N’ Laces – Directed by Stephen Michael Simon, USA, 2022, 19 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Dad Jokes – Directed by Mo Welch and Daniel Hartigan, USA, 2022, 36 MIN, East Coast Premiere

Deerwoods Deathtrap – Directed by James P. Gannon, USA, 2022, 9 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Dress a Cow – Directed by Dawn Luebbe, USA, 2022, 10 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Échale Ganas: The Villa’s Tacos Story – Directed by Shirley Yumeng He, USA, 2022, 29 MIN, In  English and Spanish with English subtitles, East Coast Premiere 

How Do You Measure a Year? – Directed by Jay Rosenblatt, USA, 2021, 29 MIN, Southeast  Premiere 

The Interview – Directed by Jonathan Miller and Zachary Russo, USA, 2021, 21 MIN, Southeast  Premiere 

Neurodivergent – Directed by Afton Quast Saler, USA, 2021, 26 MIN, Southeast Premiere

The Panola Project – Directed by Rachael DeCruz and Jeremy S. Levine, USA, 2021, 17 MIN,  Florida Premiere 

Seasons – Directed by Gabriella Canal and Michael Fearon, USA, 2022, 24 MIN, In English and  Korean with English subtitles, North American Premiere 

Shopping for the Dead – Directed by Gerry Curtis, USA, 2022, 12 MIN, In English and Mandarin  with English subtitles, World Premiere 

Stranger than Rotterdam with Sara Driver – Directed by Lewie Kloster & Noah Kloster, USA,  2021, 9 MIN, East Coast Premiere 

Telos or Bust – Directed by Brad Abrahams, USA, 2021, 15 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Time & Temperature – Directed by Justin Ian Foreman, USA, 2022, 21 MIN, East Coast  Premiere/2nd US Screening


A Balcony in Brooklyn – Directed by Dennis Williams II and Gladimir Gelin, USA, 2021, 9 MIN,  Florida Premiere 

Champ – Directed by Hannah Peterson, USA, 2022, 8 MIN, East Coast Premiere

cosboi – Directed by Gosha Shapiro, USA, 2022, 15 MIN, East Coast Premiere/2nd US Screening

The Coupon – Directed by Laura Seay, USA, 2021, 18 MIN, East Coast Premiere/2nd US Screening

Daddy’s Girl – Directed by Lena Hudson, USA, 2022, 10 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Dear Mama… – Directed by Winter Dunn, USA, 2022, 14 MIN, Florida Premiere

The Dogfriend – Directed by Fredgy Noël, USA, 2021, 13 MIN, Southeast Premiere

The Downpour – Directed by Jade Courtney Edwards, USA, 2021, 11 MIN, In English and Arabic  with English subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

The Event – Directed by Frank Mosley and Hugo de Souza, USA, 2022, 11 MIN, East Coast  Premiere 

F^¢K ‘€M R!GHT B@¢K – Directed by Harris Doran, USA, 2022, 13 MIN, East Coast Premiere

Girls & The Party – Directed by Paloma López, USA, 2021, 5 MIN, Florida Premiere

Harvest Bowl – Directed by Cody Kostro, USA, 2021, 7 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Hide and Seek (Las Escondidas) – Directed by Ragini Bhasin, USA, 2021, 11 MIN, In Spanish with  English subtitles, East Coast Premiere 

Hold Up – Directed by Alex Rollins Berg, USA, 2022, 15 MIN, World Premiere 

Hysterical – Directed by April Moreau, USA, 2022, 15 MIN, World Premiere 

In the Water – Directed by Drew Highlands, USA, 2022, 10 MIN, World Premiere

The Last Ferry from Grass Island – Directed by Linhan Zhang, USA/Hong Kong, 2021, 13 MIN, In  Cantonese and Mandarin with English subtitles, Florida Premiere 

The Lizard Laughed – Directed by Allen Cordell, USA, 2022, 21 MIN, World Premiere

The Longest Day of the Year – Directed by Lauren Hoover, USA, 2021, 10 MIN, Florida Premiere

Lux Noctis – Directed by Damiana Acuña, USA, 2022, 12 MIN, East Coast Premiere/2nd US  Screening 

Maddie – Directed by Zane Rubin, USA, 2022, 12 MIN, World Premiere 

Mammalian Diving Reflex – Directed by Caroline Conrad, USA, 2021, 10 MIN, Southeast  Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Pretty, Please – Directed by Jonathan Hoeg, USA, 2022, 14 MIN, East Coast Premiere/2nd US  Screening 

Roommates – Directed by Ashley Eakin, USA, 2022, 10 MIN, Florida Premiere 

A Significant Problem – Directed by Trish Harnetiaux, USA, 2022, 11 MIN, World Premiere

Silent Partner – Directed by Aristotle Torres, USA, 2021, 16 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Skim – Directed by William Pisciotta, USA, 2022, 18 MIN, World Premiere 

Sweet Dreams Baby Girl – Directed by Jennifer Daley, USA, 2021, 14 MIN, East Coast  Premiere/2nd US Screening 

The Syed Family Xmas Eve Game Night – Directed by Fawzia Mirza, USA/Canada, 2021, 11 MIN,  Southeast Premiere 

Training Wheels – Directed by Alison Rich, USA, 2022, 15 MIN, East Coast Premiere

Valentine – Directed by Beck Kitsis and Chris McNabb, USA, 2022, 10 MIN, World Premiere


7LBS 8OZ – Directed by Yoo Lee, USA, 2022, 7 MIN, Florida Premiere 

fulcrum – Directed by Timothy David Orme, USA, 2021, 8 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Launch – Directed by Leah Shore, USA, 2021, 3 MIN, Florida Premiere

Life Is a Particle Time Is a Wave – Directed by Daniel Zvereff, USA, 2022, 10 MIN, East Coast  Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Local Middle Schooler – Directed by Sanjna Bharadwaj, USA, 2021, 11 MIN, Southeast Premiere

My One Minute Memoir (Dreams of a Fallen Astronaut) – Directed by Chel White, USA, 2021, 2  MIN, North American Premiere 

My Parent, Neal – Directed by Hannah Saidiner, USA, 2021, 8 MIN, Florida Theatrical Premiere

Oldboy’s Apples – Directed by Brad Hock, USA, 2021, 7 MIN, Florida Premiere 

People Person – Directed by Rymalena, USA, 2021, 14 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Soft Animals – Directed by Renee Zhan, USA/UK, 2021, 3 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Still Life – Directed by Conner Griffith, USA, 2021, 7 MIN, East Coast Premiere 

Tennis Ball on His Day Off – Directed by Julian Glander, USA, 2022, 3 MIN, East Coast  Premiere/2nd US Screening 

TRICHOTILLOMANIA! – Directed by Kelly Schiesswohl, USA, 2021, 4 MIN, Florida Premiere


Digger – Directed by Georgis Grigorakis, Greece/France/Germany, 2020, 101 MIN, In Greek with  English subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

Fire – Directed by Claire Denis, France, 2022, 116 MIN, In French with English Subtitles,  Southeast Premiere 

Hit the Road – Directed by Panah Panahi, Iran, 2021, 93 MIN, In English and Persian with English  subtitles 

Wild Men – Directed by Thomas Daneskov, Denmark, 2021, 104 MIN, In Danish with English  subtitles, Southeast Premiere


All The Crows in The World – Directed by Yi Tang, Hong Kong/China, 2021, 14 MIN, In Mandarin  with English subtitles, East Coast Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Beautiful They – Directed by Cloudy Rhodes, Australia, 2021, 11 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Bump – Directed by Maziyar Khatam, Canada, 2021, 3 MIN, Florida Premiere 

Censor Of Dreams – Directed by Leo Berne and Raphaël Rodriguez, France, 2021, 18 MIN, In  French with English subtitles, East Coast Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Customs – Directed by Armita Keyani, Norway, 2021, 14 MIN, In English and Norwegian with  English subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

Digital Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro: The Real-World Guide to Set Up and Workflow  – Directed by Hong Seong-Yoon, South Korea, 2021, 40 MIN, In Korean with English subtitles,  East Coast Premiere 

The Headhunter’s Daughter – Directed by Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan, Philippines, 2022, 15  MIN, In Ilokano with English Subtitles, East Coast Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Innocent Land – Directed by Francesco Bolognesi and Michele Cardano, Italy, 2022, 10 MIN, In  Italian with English subtitles, World Premiere 

Listen to The Beat of Our Images – Directed by Audrey Jean-Baptiste and Maxime Jean-Baptiste,  French Guiana, 2021, 15 MIN, In French with English subtitles, Florida Premiere

Man or Tree – Directed by Varun Raman and Tom Hancock, UK, 2021, 4 MIN, Southeast  Premiere 

Motorcyclist’s Happiness Won’t Fit into His Suit – Directed by Gabriel Herrera, Mexico, 2021, 10  MIN, In Spanish with English subtitles, Florida Premiere 

Nuisance Bear – Directed by Gabriela Osio Vanden and Jack Weisman, Canada, 2021, 14 MIN,  Southeast Premiere 

Sideral – Directed by Carlos Segundo, France/Brazil, 2021, 15 MIN, In Brazilian Portuguese with  English subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

Virtual Voice – Directed by Suzannah Mirghani, Sudan/Qatar, 2021, 7 MIN, Florida Premiere

Warsha – Directed by Dania Bdeir, France/Lebanon, 2022, 15 MIN, In Arabic with English  subtitles, Southeast Premiere 


Black Slide – Directed by Uri Lotan, Israel/UK, 2021, 11 MIN, In Hebrew with English subtitles,  Florida Premiere 

Cat and Moth – Directed by India Barnardo, Canada/UK, 2021, 7MIN, East Coast Premiere

Eyes and Horns – Directed by Chaerin Im, Germany/South Korea/USA, 2021, 6 MIN, Southeast  Premiere 

The Fourth Wall – Directed by Mahboobeh Kalaee, Iran, 2021, 10 MIN, In Persian with English  subtitles, Florida Premiere 

Freedom Swimmer – Directed by Olivia Martin-McGuire, France/Australia/UK/Hong Kong, 2021,  15 MIN, In Cantonese with English subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

Night of the Living Dread – Directed by Ida Melum, UK, 2021, 11 MIN, East Coast Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic – Directed by Paul Bush, Denmark/UK, 2021, 7 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Selection Process – Directed by Carla Pereira, Spain, 2021, 4 MIN, In Spanish with English  subtitles 

Swallow the Universe – Directed by Nieto, France, 2021, 12 MIN, In Japanese with English  subtitles, Southeast Premiere 

Sweet Nothing – Directed by Joana Fischer and Marie Kenov, Switzerland, 2021, 4 MIN, East  Coast Premiere 

Tap Runner – Directed by Paolo Chianta, UK, 2021, 3 MIN, Florida Premiere


Beef – Directed by Brendon Kingsbury and Sean Webley, USA, 2022, 13 MIN, World Premiere

Bite Mark Evidence – Directed by Daniel Watkins, USA, 2021, 3 MIN, East Coast Premiere

Difficult Donuts – Directed by Trevon Jakaar Coleman, USA, 2022, 6 MIN, East Coast  Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Ever Wanting (For Margaret Chung) – Directed by Tina Takemoto, USA, 2022, 6 MIN, East Coast  Premiere/2nd US Screening 

Impulse – Directed by Radhiah Ibrahim, USA/Malaysia, 2022, 6 MIN, World Premiere

On Time Off Time – Directed by Hirotoshi Iwasaki, Japan, 2021, 9 MIN, Florida Premiere

Planktonium – Directed by Jan van IJken, Netherlands, 2021, 15 MIN, Southeast Premiere

Sensual Pill – Directed by Sam3, Greece, 2021, 4 MIN, Florida Premiere 

Up Close – Directed by Sam Gurry, USA, 2022, 3 MIN, World Premiere 

We Had Each Other – Directed by Kelly Gallagher, USA/Ireland, 2021, 15 MIN


Hatching – Directed by Hanna Bergholm, Finland/Sweden, 2022, 86 MIN, In Finnish with English  subtitles 

Neptune Frost – Directed by Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Williams, USA/Rwanda, 2021, 105 MIN, In  English, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Swahili, and French with English Subtitles 

Piggy – Directed by Carlota Pereda, Spain, 2022, 90 MIN, In Spanish with English subtitles, East  Coast Premiere


An Example of the Lee-Roth Fog Isolated Under Laboratory Conditions – Directed by Ryan  Betschart, USA, 2022, 3 MIN, North American Premiere 

Buzzkill – Directed by Peter Ahern, USA, 2022, 5 MIN, World Premiere 

Every Time We Meet for Ice Cream Your Whole Fucking Face Explodes – Directed by Anthony  Cousins, USA, 2021, 7 MIN, Florida Theatrical Premiere 

The Expected – Directed by Carolina Sandvik, Sweden, 2021, 14 MIN, Florida Theatrical Premiere

Guts – Directed by Chris McInroy, USA, 2021, 8 MIN 

Itch – Directed by Susannah Farrugia, Malta/UK, 2021, 8 MIN, Florida Premiere 

Parked – Directed by Yoon Hei Cho, USA, 2021, 4 MIN 

Part Forever – Directed by Alan Chung-An, Ou, Taiwan, 2021, 13 MIN, In Mandarin with English  subtitles, Florida Premiere 

Visitors – Directed by Kenichi Ugana, Japan, 2021, 17 MIN, In Japanese with English subtitles,  Florida Premiere 

While Mortals Sleep – Directed by Alex Fofonoff, USA, 2022, 14 MIN


Fanny: The Right to Rock – Canada, 2021, 96 MIN, Directed by Bobbi Jo Hart 

Stay Prayed Up – Directed by D.L. Anderson and Matthew Durning, USA, 2021, 74 MIN,  Southeast Premiere 

This Is GWAR – Directed by Scott Barber, USA, 2021, 114 MIN, East Coast Premiere 


Surviving Pulse: Life After a Mass Shooting – Directed by Alexa Sheehan, USA, 2022, 73  MIN, World Premiere 

Sylvie of the Sunshine State – Directed by Sasha Levinson, USA, 2022, 92 MIN, Florida  Theatrical Premiere 


¡OLLIE! – Directed by Abiesel Aleed Báez and Corey Ray Marr, USA, 2021, 5 MIN,  Florida Premiere

Barking Orders – Directed by Alexander Tullo, USA, 2021, 2 MIN 

Chicks – Directed by Geena Marie Hernandez, USA, 2022, 12 MIN, World  Premiere 

Dino Bone – Directed by Jordan Powers and Sam Durkin, USA, 2022, 2 MIN,  Florida Premiere 

Hammer – Directed by Masood Ahmed, USA, 2022, 11 MIN, World Premiere 

Hot Dogs! – Directed by Frank Volk, USA, 2022, 7 MIN, World Premiere 

I Won’t Let You Get Lost – Directed by Dakota Renée, USA, 2021, 10 MIN, World  Premiere 

Julian Comes Home – Directed by Joseph Ziad Khoury, USA, 2021, 9 MIN, World  Premiere 

Linda – Directed by Kali Kahn, USA, 2022, 12 MIN 

Lioness – Directed by Molly Smith, USA, 2022, 7 MIN 

Pink Is the Color of the Ocean – Directed by Summer Schantz, USA, 2021, 14  MIN

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