The much-anticipated sequel to Stephen King’s The Shining, entitled Doctor Sleep, will star the son of Orlando couple, Roger and Andrea Tokan Floyd, as the young Danny Torrance.
The sequel will take place decades after the events of The Shining, where a now-adult Dan Torrance played by Ewan McGregor (he dropped the “ny” because he’s totally grown up now) is still dealing with his powers and the shit storm that befell his family in the first movie #murderoustopiaries #playwithus.
Torrance encounters a young girl who has the same “shining” powers he has and is forced to protect her from a crazy RV cult that sucks the life force out of shining kids to live forever. Like energy vampires, if you will.
Roger Dale Floyd (IMDB), will play the role of the young Danny Torrance in the flashback scenes throughout the movie, which you can get a taste of in the above trailer.
The Floyds may be familiar to some of our readers as they worked at Sam Flax in Colonialtown for years before recently relocating to Atlanta to pursue more work in film. Which is apparently working well for them.
Doctor Sleep will be released on November 8, 2019.
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